dimanche 23 septembre 2018

Blog 2: Conversations

Ecrivez une conversation de 8 phrases environ (4 + 4) , utilisez exprimons-nous et des adjectifs

Etudiant 1:
Tu es avec ton ami(e) au café 
 ==>you ask eachother if what you ordered is good. Then suggest some places to go after the café today

Etudiant 2 :
Tu viens juste de rencontrer (to meet) un(e) nouveau (nouvelle) élève.  
==> introduce yourself, speak about your family and tell what you like and don't like to do

Etudiant 3:
C'est la rentrée des classe et tu rencontres (meet) un(e) nouveau (nouvelle) élève. 
To get acquainted, you tell him or her what you like and dislike and he or she will agree or disagree with you.

Étudiant 4: Explain what you like to do after school or over the weekend and how often you do these activities==> 8 sentences using exprimons nous

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